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Great Minds Deserve to Meet

Autonomy Hub _ Go Kart.jpg

Join our Autonomy Hub Robotics Club (AHRC). 

AHRC is formed to make and race pro-level autonomous cars on a budget. That means that they’re smaller than regular cars (down to 1/16th scale) and can be used indoors. All ages are welcome.

AHRC gathers regularly to hack and race its robotics cars at the Autonomy Hub headquarters in Columbus, Ohio.  

We are not starting small as we figured let's build some autonomous go-karts.

Now we need to pair our hardware with a team of talented programmers. Signup below if you are interested in joining the team and hack together.

Our Community


The Autonomy Hub community is growing. We wan't everyone to grow with us. If you are a technology start up or just an entrepreneur looking for a space to thrive.  Come and visit us at the Murphy building in the Franklinton innovation neighborhood. Visit our Community page for more deatiles.